Hello, World.

I'm Anne Jones.

Software Developer Constantly Curious

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

My name is Anne, and I am a software engineer based in Seattle, Washington.

I have years of experience developing in JavaScript, Go, and Ruby, and I am the cocreator of Arroyo , a lightweight framework for the granular rehydration of logs from cloud storage to Elasticsearch.

Most recently, I developed Flora , a social media platform for plant enthusiasts.


  • Full Name: Anne Jones
  • Pronouns: She/her
  • Email: hello@annejones.dev

Technical Skills

  • Languages: JavaScript, Go, Typescript, SQL, Ruby, Rust, C#, Java
  • Cloud: AWS(ECS, S3, EC2, etc.), Heroku, DigitalOcean
  • Technologies: MongoDB, Node.JS, Docker, PostgreSQL, Nginx
  • Frameworks: Express, React, Redux,MUI, Vue, Tailwind, Jest

Flora is a new type of social media site created by plant lovers, for plant lovers.

Flora's aim is to provide a place where thumbs of all colors can come to share their knowledge through plant guides, which can be viewed by anyone in the community.

Picture of Flora's plant guides page

Users can also customize their profile, where they can show off their plants, flaunt their horticultural interests, and show off the plants guides they've written or interacted with.

Picture of a Flora user's profile page

Arroyo is a lightweight framework that facilitates the rehydration of logs archived in cloud storage back into Elasticsearch.


Users can reingest logs by date range, and they may also input search terms to further refine their search.

These logs are indexed back into Elasticsearch, and are then readily available within the user's Kibana dashboard.

Arroyo query ingestion

Arroyo deploys all of the AWS infrastructure needed to rehydrate logs automatically.

Once the work is done, Arroyo can destroy that infrastructure just as easily to avoid unnecessary resource use.

Arroyo deployment
Other projects
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Where I'm based

Seattle, WA